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VIEWPORT vxmin vxmax vymin vymax vzmin vzmax

 Default: VIEWPORT 0 1 0 1 0 1

 Define the  viewport  extents  in normalized  device  coordinate  space
 (scale 0 to 1) to be  vxmin..vxmax in the x direction, vymin..vymax  in
 the y  direction,  and vzmin..vzmax  in  the z  direction.   These  six
 parameters must be in the range  0..1.  The default viewport at  SLIDES
 startup is determined by the default values of the SIZE command,  which
 are set to select a vertical 8.5 x 11 inch page frame; this corresponds
 to "VIEWPORT 0.0 0.77273 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0" (vxmax = 8.5/11.0 = 0.77273).
 The viewport must be inside the device space established by default  or
 explicitly by the SIZE command.  If this is not the case, the  VIEWPORT
 request is ignored and an error message is issued.