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       SUBROUTINE  VISRB (X,Y,P, J,M, X1,Y1,P1, NA,NB,
      X                   X2,Y2,P2, NC,ND, S)
 C$    (Restricted Bound)
 C$    The bound is  restricted to  the interval  where the  first
 C$    function is defined.  The arguments are:
 C$    X(M),Y(M)......Arrays for the bound of two functions.
 C$    P(M)...........Visibility flags of the bound.
 C$    J,M............Actual dimension, maximum dimension of X,Y.
 C$    X1(N1),Y1(N1)..First function.
 C$    P1(N1).........Visibility flags for the first function.
 C$    (NA,NB)........Range  of  indices  in  use  for  the  first
 C$                   function.  These may be in either order, and
 C$                   N1 is then the maximum of the two.
 C$    X2(N2),Y2(N2)..Second function.
 C$    P2(N2).........Visibility flags for the second function.
 C$    (NC,ND)........Range of  indices  in  use  for  the  second
 C$                   function.  These may be in either order, and
 C$                   N2 is then the maximum of the two.
 C$    S..............Type of bound ( = 1.0,upper;  = -1.0,lower).
 C$    (09-APR-82)