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 C$    (REAL Shift Array)
 C$    Shift a vector V(*) by adding a constant value "SHIFT".
 C$    The arguments are:
 C$    V(*)...........Vector to be shifted.
 C$    NV.............Number of elements to shift.
 C$    INCV...........Increment  between  successive  elements  of
 C$                   V(*).  If it is  negative, the K-th  element
 C$                   of V  is  at  storage location  1  +  (NV  -
 C$                   K)*IABS(INCV).  If it is positive, the  K-th
 C$                   element is  at location  1 +  (K -  1)*INCV.
 C$                   This is the same  convention as used in  the
 C$                   BLAS.
 C$    SHIFT..........Shift value.
 C$    (09-APR-82)