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 C$    (Round)
 C$    For axis labelling, it is  necessary to determine how  many
 C$    decimal places are required for "nice" numbers.  Because of
 C$    the use  of  internal binary  representations  of  external
 C$    decimal numbers, it is a  non-trivial exercise to do  this,
 C$    so this routine is provided.  Its arguments are:
 C$    VNEW........Output rounded and scaled value of V in range
 C$                1.0 .LE. V .LT. 10.0
 C$    NDEC........Output number of decimal places required to
 C$                print VNEW  (use  at  least  an  F(NDEC+3).NDEC
 C$                FORMAT).
 C$    NPOW10......Output power of 10 which must be multiplied by
 C$                VNEW to obtain the original size of V.
 C$    V...........Input number to be rounded.    On  output,  the
 C$                rounded V can be obtained from VNEW*10**NPOW10.
 C$                The same results  will be obtained  for +V  and
 C$                -V, and the sign of VNEW is the same as that of
 C$                V.
 C$    MAXDEC......Input   maximum   number   of   decimal  places
 C$                permitted in VNEW.  If  too large, the  largest
 C$                possible value  will  be  determined  and  used
 C$                internally.
 C$    Lewart's ACM  Algorithm 463  in  routines UTRS1  and  UTRS2
 C$    should normally  be used  to  ensure that  reasonable  axis
 C$    extents and increments are chosen.
 C$    (29-SEP-88)