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 C$    (Vertical Square Bordered Frame)
 C$    Set up a vertical frame in  the standard paper size with  a
 C$    square inner frame  centered inside  of it,  and reset  the
 C$    unit square to  correspond to the  inner frame.  The  inner
 C$    frame is  usually desirable  for  contour plots,  since  it
 C$    prevents contour  lines from  appearing to  be "hanging  in
 C$    air".  Use  of  this  routine instead  of  PLTVF  or  PLTVB
 C$    ensures that uniform scaling in X and Y is maintained.  The
 C$    narrowest margins around the square frame are set at  0.075
 C$    of the page width,  using 85 percent of  the width for  the
 C$    plot frame.
 C$    (07-JUN-85)