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       SUBROUTINE  PLNDO (X,Y,Z,N, X1,X2, Y1,Y2, Z1,Z2, T, ISEP, PL2)
 C$    (3-D Polyline on Double Surface)
 C$    Draw a 3-D polyline on a double surface display produced by
 C$    HIDDO.  The arguments are:
 C$    X(*),
 C$    Y(*),
 C$    Z(*)........3-D coordinates of polyline
 C$    N...........number of points in polyline
 C$    X1,X2.......Range of X values.
 C$    Y1,Y2.......Range of Y values.
 C$    Z1,Z2.......Span of surface values (arguments to HIDDO)
 C$    T(4,4)......4-D transformation matrix  defining orientation
 C$                of the surfaces.  The  window coordinates of  a
 C$                point (X,Y,Z,1.0) are  (U,V,W,H) =  (X,Y,Z,1.0)
 C$                T.  X, Y, and Z are computed in the range 0..1,
 C$                and Z is obtained  from the function values  by
 C$                scaling the range  Z1..Z2 onto  0..1.  A  point
 C$                (U,V,W,H) is Visible If  U/H, V/H, and W/H  lie
 C$                in the range 0..1.
 C$    ISEP........ .EQ. 1 - surface 1 with SEP = .TRUE. to HIDDO
 C$                 .EQ. 2 - surface 2 with SEP = .TRUE. to HIDDO
 C$                 .EQ. other - SEP = .FALSE. to HIDDO
 C$    PL2.........2-D pen movement subroutine
 C$    (13-JUL-89)