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 C$    (Inquire Polygon Vertex Indices)
 C$    Return the current polygon vertex indices.  These are color
 C$    lookup table indices for each  polygon vertex which are  to
 C$    be used for  filling polygons of  interior style  "shaded".
 C$    The shading is done in a two step process.  First the  edge
 C$    values are  determined by  linear interpolation  along  the
 C$    edges using the  vertex values.  Then  the interior  values
 C$    are determined by  linear interpolation from  edge to  edge
 C$    along the scan lines that cover the interior of the polygon
 C$    image.  The arguments are:
 C$    VINDEX(*).........Array  of current  polygon  vertex  color
 C$                      lookup  table  indices.
 C$    MAXVTX............Actual declared dimension of VINDEX(*).
 C$    NVERTX............Number   of   vertex   entries  currently
 C$                      present  in  the  internal  vertex  index
 C$                      list.  On return,  if it  is larger  than
 C$                      MAXVTX, only  the first  MAXVTX  elements
 C$                      have been returned  in VINDEX(*), and  an
 C$                      error message has been issued.
 C$    Note that  the facility  offered by  this routine  is  only
 C$    available on  rather sophisticated  (and expensive)  raster
 C$    display devices, and  cannot be  conveniently simulated  on
 C$    non-raster display  devices.  No  warning is  given if  the
 C$    selected  display  device  cannot   support  it,  and   the
 C$    operation requested will simply be ignored.
 C$    (27-JAN-82)