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       SUBROUTINE  HIDAX (OX,OY,OZ, X1,DX,X2, Y1,DY,Y2, Z1,DZ,Z2, T)
 C$    (3-D Axes)
 C$    It is sometimes desirable to supplement hidden-line  graphs
 C$    with  axes  to   help  orient   the  figure   and  give   a
 C$    semi-quantitative feeling  for the  dimensions.  Given  the
 C$    3-D coordinates of the point through which the X, Y, and  Z
 C$    axes are  to  cross,  the ranges  and  increments  in  each
 C$    dimension, and the 4-D  transformation matrix defining  the
 C$    view, sufficient information is available to draw 3  ticked
 C$    axes.  Ticks on a given axis are drawn parallel to each  of
 C$    the other axes, in order that  a head-on view of ticks  not
 C$    make them invisible.  Labels "X",  "Y", and "Z" are  placed
 C$    under the axes,  but ticks are  unnumbered.  The  arguments
 C$    are:
 C$    (OX,OY,OZ).....Coordinates of origin.
 C$    (X1,X2)........Range of X coordinate.
 C$    DX.............Ticking interval for X axis.  DX=0.0
 C$                   suppresses ticking.
 C$    (Y1,Y2)........Range of Y coordinate.
 C$    DY.............Ticking interval for Y axis.  DY=0.0
 C$                   suppresses ticking.
 C$    (Z1,Z2)........Range of Z coordinate.
 C$    DZ.............Ticking interval for Z axis.  DZ=0.0
 C$                   suppresses ticking.
 C$    T(4,4).........4-D transformation matrix.
 C$    (04-FEB-82)