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 C$    (Fit - Polyline 2-D)
 C$    Given a set of points (X(I), Y(I), I = 1,NP) forming a  2-D
 C$    curve, find  a new  set of  points (XNEW(I),  YNEW(I), I  =
 C$    1,NPNEW), which  is  smaller  if  possible  by  eliminating
 C$    consecutive colinear, or almost colinear, segments.
 C$    The output arguments are:
 C$    XNEW(*)........New X values returned.
 C$    YNEW(*)........New Y values  returned.   If the  old values
 C$                   need not be  preserved, XNEW(*) and  YNEW(*)
 C$                   may be  the same  arrays  as X(*)  and  Y(*)
 C$                   respectively.
 C$    NPNEW..........Number of new  (X,Y) pairs returned.   Space
 C$                   must be available in XNEW(*) and YNEW(*)  to
 C$                   store at most NP items, since NPNEW .LE.  NP
 C$                   on return.
 C$    The input arguments are:
 C$    X(*)...........Old X values.
 C$    Y(*)...........Old Y values.
 C$    NP.............Number of old (X,Y) values.
 C$    DELTA..........Maximum deviation  between the  data  points
 C$                   and  the   required  vector   approximation,
 C$                   measured  relative  to   the  line   segment
 C$                   lengths in order so  that it is  independent
 C$                   of the scale of the input data.
 C$    It is  assumed  that  X and  Y  are  approximately  equally
 C$    scaled, so that distance  computations can be done  without
 C$    undue accuracy loss.  Internal scaling is done according to
 C$    the curve  arclength, so  that the  range of  X and  Y  can
 C$    approach the  underflow and  overflow  limits of  the  host
 C$    machine without causing harmful underflow or overflow.
 C$    This routine may prove useful in determining a reduced  set
 C$    of points which can satisfactorily represent a much  larger
 C$    set, but for which plotting  time is excessive.  This  will
 C$    generally be the case for points entered from a  digitizer.
 C$    The output set of  points is always a  subset of the  input
 C$    point set, and  contains the  same first  and last  points.
 C$    Thus, if the input points  are integral values, the  output
 C$    points will be too.
 C$    In the case of polygons, the last input point point  should
 C$    be identical to  the first  one.  If this  point lies  only
 C$    slightly off  the  line  segment  connecting  its  adjacent
 C$    neighbors, it  could  possibly be  eliminated.   Thus,  for
 C$    polygons,  one  should  call   this  routine  twice   using
 C$    different start points, then select the smaller output set.
 C$    The algorithm is the split-and-merge one given by
 C$    Theo  Pavlidis,  "Algorithms   for   Graphics   and   Image
 C$    Processing", Computer Science Press (1982), pp. 281-292.
 C$    The criterion for accepting a point near a line segment  as
 C$    colinear is  based on  a combination  of the  user-provided
 C$    DELTA and the  number of sign  changes in the  intermediate
 C$    point distances from the line segment.  If the sign changes
 C$    are frequent, the  intermediate points  are distributed  on
 C$    both sides of  the approximating  line, and the  line is  a
 C$    better  choice  than  it  would  be  if  the  points   were
 C$    predominantly on one side.
 C$    (28-DEC-83)