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 C$    (DEM90 - Triple Surface versus 3-D PolyLine)
 C$    Demonstration for  the  graphing of  triples  of  surfaces,
 C$    consisting in this case  of sinusoidal functions  modulated
 C$    by a Gaussian amplitude,  plus a paraboloid.  The  vertical
 C$    separation option should reveal the details of their mutual
 C$    intersections.
 C$    This is a variation  of DEM11, and illustrates 3-D polyline
 C$    graphing with PLNTR in  a side-by-side view.   PLNTR can be
 C$    used to superimpose  3-D space curves  on  a triple-surface
 C$    hidden-line  plot produced by HIDTR.   The curves are drawn
 C$    independently of the  surface plotting  that  maintains the
 C$    near  and  far    horizons   necessary  for    hidden  line
 C$    elimination, so all segments will be visible.
 C$    An unclosed box  is shown on the  PLNTR plot; the  vertical
 C$    line marks the  Z  axis extending from  the  origin  in the
 C$    lower left corner.
 C$    (13-JUL-89)