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 C$    (DEM56 - Hershey Tables)
 C$    Draw tables of the Hershey special characters for inclusion
 C$    in  the  plot  manuals  or  as  handouts.   The  coding  is
 C$    carefully arranged so that by modifying only the margin and
 C$    page size  values,  and changing  the  number of  rows  and
 C$    columns, the  tables  may  be  produced  in  a  variety  of
 C$    formats.  Similarly,  by  changing  the  values  of  XSIZE,
 C$    YSIZE, and SIZE, pages of any desired size can be produced.
 C$    It is assumed  that the input  file contains the  necessary
 C$    data in the following form:
 C$    Page header (40 characters)
 C$    Page footer (40 characters)
 C$    nnnn charactername            (repeated any number of times)
 C$    As many tables as necessary will be automatically produced.
 C$    nnnn is a four-digit Hershey character number, and the text
 C$    following it is its name which is to appear in the  tables.
 C$    The character itself will be  drawn between its number  and
 C$    its name.
 C$    (20-JUL-89)