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 C$    (DEM47 - Tensioned Spline Interpolation)
 C$    This program  illustrates the  use  of routines  FITC1  and
 C$    FITC2 from ACM Algorithm 476 for interpolating a curve by a
 C$    spline   under   tension.    Two   examples   showing    an
 C$    approximation  to  a  binding  and  a  repulsive   diatomic
 C$    potential curve are produced.  For each, the original  data
 C$    points are  drawn, connected  by straight  lines, with  the
 C$    interpolated curves  for  three different  tension  factors
 C$    appearing in quadrants 2-4.  The error in the  interpolated
 C$    function is  multiplied by  100  and superimposed  on  each
 C$    plot.
 C$    (10-APR-82)