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 XPLUS(*).....Plus error bar values for  X data.  Error bars are  placed
              every  NU(K)  points  on  curve  K,  just  like   markers.
              Positive entries  in XPLUS(*)  represent absolute  errors,
              and negative entries  relative errors.   They are  applied
              ***AFTER*** any scaling  and translation are  done on  the
              input points.  On curve K, a horizontal error bar will  be
              drawn  between  X(I,K)  -  ABS(XMINUS(K))  and  X(I,K)   +
              ABS(XPLUS(K)) for absolute errors, or between  X(I,K)*(1.0
              - ABS(XMINUS(K)))  and  X(I,K)*(1.0 +  ABS(XPLUS(K)))  for
              relative errors.   This  does  not  offer  the  luxury  of
              individual error bars  for each  point, but  on the  other
              hand, requires only 4 extra numbers for each curve, rather
              than for each point, if both X and Y error bars are to  be