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 MODEX.....Option flags  stored in  the low-order  bits of  the  integer
           value.  These  are selected  by  adding one  or more  of  the
           following option values,  and then  setting the  sign of  the
           resulting sum to  select numbering and  titling above (+)  or
           below (-) the axis.

            1 - Number  the  axis.    Even  values   of  MODE   suppress
                numbering, but  still affect  the  choice of  tick  mark
            2 - Numbering perpendicular  (i.e. rotated  -90 degrees)  to
                the axis; otherwise it is parallel to the axis.
            4 - Omit the  first  number along  the  axis.  This  can  be
                useful to prevent text overlap  when more than one  axis
                is drawn from a point.
            8 - Omit the last number along the axis.
           16 - Omit any zero number along the axis.  This can be useful
                for drawing axes intersecting at the origin.

           Any value  outside the  legal range  -31..+31 will  raise  an
           error condition.   The  usual  choice  for  a  numbered  left
           vertical (Y) axis will be MODE = +3, and for a numbered lower
           horizontal (X) axis will be MODE = -1.  The usual choice  for
           an unnumbered right vertical  axis will be MODE  = +2 or  -2,
           and for an unnumbered upper horizontal axis will be MODE = 0.

           The sizes and positions  of number labels,  even if they  are
           not drawn, affect the choice  of where longer tick marks  are
           drawn.  In the common  case where the four  sides of a  graph
           have axes, but two are  unnumbered, for the unnumbered  axes,
           simply subtract 1 from the  unsigned MODE value used for  the
           opposite numbered axis.