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This is the Directory node of INFO. The "D" command comes back here. The directory is a list of all the major topics that INFO knows about. You can see it, starting ten lines or so below this line. Most of the topics at present refer to PLOT79 and support software, but your local site may add additional menu items. If you need help in using INFO, "?" will get you a brief refresher listing all the commands. If this is your first use of INFO, you should definitely visit the INFO node; type "MINFO " to get there. To exit INFO type "Q". Everyone is encouraged and asked, urged and exhorted, implored and cajoled, to add documentation to this tree. (Visit Menu item INFO for how). * Menu: The "Menu" is the list of topics. Here it is:
  • INFO: . All about the INFO system
  • Bit-Primitives: . FORTRAN bit primitives
  • F66 Char Prims: . FORTRAN character primitives
  • F77 Char Prims: . FORTRAN character primitives
  • PLOT79: . PLOT79 graphics system
  • PORT: . PORT Library Framework
  • PRETTY: . FORTRAN Prettyprinter
  • TeX: . TeX typesetting system