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 LINPACK is a FORTRAN  program system for  solving linear equations  for
 matrices which  fit entirely  in  core.  This  is perhaps  the  highest
 quality  software  which  is  available  for  this  purpose.   Separate
 versions are  available for  data of  type REAL,  DOUBLE PRECISION,  or
 COMPLEX.  The routines  which support double  precision complex  (IBM's
 COMPLEX*16) cannot be  implemented on  the DEC-20. The  library may  be
 accessed as follows:


 Note that the terminal "K" of  LINPACK is omitted because the  COMPILE,
 LOAD, and EXECUTE  commands do  not support  file names  longer than  6

 On UNIX, do something like

 f77 -o foo foo.f -llinpack

 The  COMPLEX*16  type is supported  by  the   Sun   and  Ardent Fortran
 compilers, and  the z*  routines are therefore  present in the library.
 The Ardent library includes hand-coded vectorized versions of the BLAS.

 On VAX VMS, do

 $ link foo.obj,@sys:linpad	!double-precision library
 $ link foo.obj,@sys:linpas	!single-precision library
 $ link foo.obj,@sys:linpag	!G-floating double-precision library

 On-line help can be viewed in node LINPACK in the EMACS INFO system.

 At present, in  order to  save disk space,  descriptions are  available
 only for  the  single-precision  versions.  The  double  precision  and
 complex versions are IDENTICAL, except for the change in data type from
 REAL to DOUBLE  PRECISION or  COMPLEX, and  the change  of the  initial
 letter S in the routine name to D or C.

 Complete documentation may be found in the book "Linpack User's  Guide"
 by J.J.  Dongarra, C.B. Moler, J.R. Bunch, and G.W.  Stewart, published
 by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 33  South
 17th Street, Philadelpha, PA 19103, Tel: (215) 564-2929.  A few  copies
 of this  book,  as  well  as  microfiche  copies  of  the  HELP  files,
 compilation listings, and test results  are available from the  College
 of Science Computer Office, 210 South Physics.

 LINPACK has been very extensively tested on a wide variety of  machines
 and is written completely in Portable FORTRAN.  NO changes are required
 to run it  on any  machine supporting standard  FORTRAN.  Unlike  IMSL,
 LINPACK is in the public domain  and may be freely distributed.   Users
 who wish to obtain source copies should contact Dr. Nelson H.F.  Beebe,
 226 South Physics, Tel: 581-5254 for further information.