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      CHEMV - perform the matrix-vector operation   y := alpha*A*x
      + beta*y,

                       INCY )

          COMPLEX      ALPHA, BETA

          INTEGER      INCX, INCY, LDA, N

          CHARACTER*1  UPLO

          COMPLEX      A( LDA, * ), X( * ), Y( * )

      CHEMV  performs the matrix-vector  operation

      where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are n element vec-
      tors and A is an n by n hermitian matrix.

      UPLO   - CHARACTER*1.
             On entry, UPLO specifies whether the upper or lower
             triangular part of the array A is to be referenced as

             UPLO = 'U' or 'u'   Only the upper triangular part of
             A is to be referenced.

             UPLO = 'L' or 'l'   Only the lower triangular part of
             A is to be referenced.

             Unchanged on exit.

      N      - INTEGER.
             On entry, N specifies the order of the matrix A.  N
             must be at least zero.  Unchanged on exit.

      ALPHA  - COMPLEX         .
             On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.
             Unchanged on exit.

      A      - COMPLEX          array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ).
             Before entry with  UPLO = 'U' or 'u', the leading n
             by n upper triangular part of the array A must con-
             tain the upper triangular part of the hermitian
             matrix and the strictly lower triangular part of A is
             not referenced.  Before entry with UPLO = 'L' or 'l',
             the leading n by n lower triangular part of the array

             A must contain the lower triangular part of the her-
             mitian matrix and the strictly upper triangular part
             of A is not referenced.  Note that the imaginary
             parts of the diagonal elements need not be set and
             are assumed to be zero.  Unchanged on exit.

      LDA    - INTEGER.
             On entry, LDA specifies the first dimension of A as
             declared in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at
             least max( 1, n ).  Unchanged on exit.

      X      - COMPLEX          array of dimension at least
             ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ).  Before entry, the
             incremented array X must contain the n element vector
             x.  Unchanged on exit.

      INCX   - INTEGER.
             On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the ele-
             ments of X. INCX must not be zero.  Unchanged on

      BETA   - COMPLEX         .
             On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA
             is supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input.
             Unchanged on exit.

      Y      - COMPLEX          array of dimension at least
             ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ).  Before entry, the
             incremented array Y must contain the n element vector
             y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the updated vector y.

      INCY   - INTEGER.
             On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the ele-
             ments of Y. INCY must not be zero.  Unchanged on

             Level 2 Blas routine.

             -- Written on 22-October-1986.  Jack Dongarra,
             Argonne National Lab.  Jeremy Du Croz, Nag Central
             Office.  Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office.
             Richard Hanson, Sandia National Labs.