here is the current version of the program Kpj4b.jar (Now with link capabilities)


applet pages kp2a.htm and  kp3a.htm and  kp4a.htm  or these java plugin enhanced pages  kp2b.htm and  kp3b.htm and  kp4b.htm  
these applets need the java plug in since this program can only be run on machines that support Java 2 runtime environment (jre), namely jdk 1.3, because it uses swing stuff
thus if the plugin is not installed, it will try to install it
the computers at the library won't allow the installation of the plug in because of sys admin restrictions

if "press me" button appears follow directions
applications Kpj2.jar    and   Kpj3.jar    and   Kpj4a.jar    and   Kpj4b.jar

select open from current location and it should automatically run if your computer supports java2 (jdk 1.2 and 1.3)

or save it to your computer and 
either double click it
    or type  "java -jar Kpj4b.jar"  or try "java jar Kpj4b.jar"   at the command prompt


it seams mac's cant run java the way java is supposed to be run
apple claims that os X should be able to run java, but me and a friend tried it on both os 9 and X and couldn't get it to use the swing components correctly even though we were using their special java compliant software

and it will only work on a unix machine that has j2re which is why it doesn't work on the math's servers they have jdk 1.1.8 not 1.3.1 although they would only need 1.2


general destructions:
draw knot in Drawer tab  click Finish select the over/underality of the crossings   click Convert (Dowker->My Notation)   goto Cross Mat tab click Cros mat (displays crossing matrix)   click Reduce (reduces the crossing matrix)

everything should be self explanatory  ie: you figure it, hold the mouse over the object and wait for the tool tip, and/or read the info in the About tab

play with the settings in Options Tab

if AutoReduce is on only Finish needs to be clicked (the latter is automatic)
if Calculate Dowker Notation is selected it will
 generate my enhanced version of dowker notation (";" signifies a new link)
 repeatidly answering yes yeilds an alternating projection
 this configuration won't detect free standing links which have no intersections
  (so make every link have an int with another link or its self)
 generates only my notation for links (";" signifies a new link)
 repeatidly answering yes yeilds unknottable separable links
 this configuration will detect free standing links which have no intersections
(it is recomended that this setting be on since it is much harder to correctly answer yes and no with respect to a preset projection, and with this on if you answered yes instead of a no or versevice that crossing can be changed in the dowker notation box without reanswering ie just change the sign of the number which corresponds to that crossing (turn Show Text on for aid in determining which number that crossing is))  

tip if you don't like clicking yes over and over just put a one("1") in the box above Select Cross and either click Select Cross or ctrl click Finish

two hidden/undocumented features
ctrl and or shift clicking Finish = clicking Select Cross in Option tab
ctrl and or shift clicking Undo = unfinishing a link that was finished(closed off, and crossings selected)