Mathematical Biology Seminar

Edwina Yeo, Oxford University
Thursday March 16, 2023
3:05pm in LCB 219
Interdisciplinary and multiscale mathematical modelling of the onset of high shear thrombosis

Abstract: Arterial blood clot formation (thrombosis) is the leading cause of both stroke and heart attack. The blood protein Von Willebrand Factor (VWF) is critical in facilitating arterial thrombosis. At pathologically high shear rates the protein unfolds and rapidly captures platelets from the flow. I will present two pieces of modelling to predict the location of clot formation in a diseased artery. Firstly a continuum model to describe the mechanosensitive protein VWF and secondly a minimal model for platelet transport and deposition to VWF in the initial stages of thrombosis. We interface this model with in vitro data of thrombosis in a long, thin rectangular microfluidic geometry. Using a reduced model, the unknown model parameters which determine platelet deposition can be calibrated.