Mathematical Biology Seminar

Andrew Ahern, University of Oxford
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
1:45pm in LCB 222
Title: Bistable dynamics in a model of vascular damage in Alzheimer's disease

Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterised by the accumulation and spread of amyloid beta (Ab), a protein that is prone to misfolding, aggregation into plaques, and propagation along axon fibers. For several decades, these features of Ab have been the primary foci of AD research and the primary target of clinical trials. Recent experimental evidence has highlighted the important role of Ab-induced capillary damage in AD, suggesting that capillary bed rarefaction is caused by Ab and conversely, that the resulting ischaemia aggravates Ab accumulation.

This presentation will have two parts. First, we will present a dynamical system model of mixed Ab-capillary pathology in AD. Our goal is to understand the consequences of incorporating ischaemic effects into existing models that treat Ab as a prion, i.e. ``proteinaceous infectious particle". The brain is modelled as a network of regions (nodes) within which Ab and the local capillary bed interact, with transport between regions enabled by the structural connectome (edges). We will find that the model has a bistable character and that this is the key to understanding its behaviour.

Second, we will switch gears to discuss a reduced, 1D continuum version of the above model, focusing on the question of its steady states' stability properties. We will review the classic paper of Ludwig, Aronson and Weinberger (1979), whose model of the spruce budworm is equivalent to our continuum model, and sketch a simple method for assessing the stability of its steady states that does not resort to comparison methods.