% -*-latex-*- % Document name: /u/sy/beebe/tex/bst/test-x-alpha.ltx % Creator: Nelson H F Beebe [beebe@delta-trueos.math.utah.edu] % Creation Date: Wed Apr 5 20:34:15 2017 \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{bibnames} \newcommand{\BibTeX}{\textsc{Bib}\kern-.08em\TeX} \newcommand{\myfontfamily}{heuristica} \newcommand{\mybibstyle}{x-alpha} % \usepackage{tgpagella} % \usepackage{noto} % BUG: backslash typesets as quotation mark! \usepackage{\myfontfamily} % \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF} \usepackage[scaled = 0.9]{DejaVuSansMono} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{x-bst} \input{test-front-matter} \begin{document} \input{test-common} \nocite{*} %%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- \showDOIPERIODfalse \thebibliographyhook{% \begin{sloppypar} This bibliography is formatted in style \texttt{\mybibstyle}. There is a small change to the formatting of DOI values through a private definition of the \cmd{showDOI} command to typeset the value in green. In addition, the bibliography is set with an expanded right margin, to leave space for the margin paragraph generated by a private definition of the \cmd{showBIBTYPE} command, and to better test line breaking.% \label{annotated-bibliography} \end{sloppypar} } \newcommand{\showDOI}{ doi:\penalty 0 \color{green}} \bibliographystyle{\mybibstyle} \hfuzz = 10cm \overfullrule = 0cm \renewcommand{\refname}{Annotated references} \begin{list}{}{\leftmargin = 0ex \rightmargin = \bibrightmargin} \item \bibliography{bst} \end{list} \renewcommand {\showBIBTYPE} [2]{} \renewcommand {\bibliography} [1] {\input{\jobname.bbl}} %% avoid \BibTeX{} complaints about multiple \bibdata{} commands %%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- \renewcommand{\refname}{Wide references} \thebibliographyhook{% \sloppypar This bibliography is formatted in style \texttt{\mybibstyle}. There are small changes to the formatting of \texttt{DOI}, \texttt{ISBN}, \texttt{ISBN-13}, \texttt{LCCN}, and \texttt{vol\-ume} field values through private definitions of the \cmd{showXXX} commands to illustrate such customizations. } \bibliography{bst} %%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- \twocolumn[\centerline{\highlightcolor \normalfont \LARGE \bfseries Two-column typesetting}\bigskip] \renewcommand{\refname}{Narrow references} \bibliography{bst} %%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- \onecolumn \centerline{\highlightcolor \normalfont \LARGE \bfseries One-column typesetting} \hideOPTIONAL \renewcommand {\refname} {Wide minimal references} \newcommand {\showAUTHOR} [1] {{\sc #1}} \newcommand {\showEDITOR} [1] {{\sc #1}} \newcommand {\showVOLUME} [1] {{\bf #1}} \thebibliographyhook{% This bibliography is formatted in style \texttt{\mybibstyle}. There are small changes to the formatting of \texttt{author}, \texttt{editor}, and \texttt{vol\-ume} field values through private definitions of corresponding \cmd{showXXX} commands to illustrate such customizations. In addition, all of the conditionals are set to false with the single command \cmd{hideOPTIONAL}, suppressing typesetting of the extended fields. } \bibliography{bst} \end{document}