
Random lasing and random resonators in disordered dielectric films*

V. M. Apalkov (1), M. E. Raikh (1) and B. Shapiro (2)

(1) Department of Physics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

(2) Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

A real density of disorder-induced resonators with a high quality factor, Q >> 1, in a film with fluctuating refraction index is calculated theoretically. We demonstrate that for a given kl > 1, where k is the light wave vector, and l is the transport mean free path, when on average the light propagation is diffusive, the likelihood for finding a random resonator increases dramatically with increasing the size of the scatterers, or, more precisely, the correlation radius of the disorder. Parameters of most probable resonators as functions of Q and kl are found.

*Work performed under the auspices of NSF under grant No. DMR-0202790 and Petroleum Research Fund under grant No. PRF 37890-AC6.