The meeting was a huge success, thanks to all of you who participated. A special thank-you goes out to the conference cordinator Eleen Collins and the volunteer Friends of the Mathematics Department of the University of Utah organized by Dana Ballard of Intermountain Mortgage and John K. Patton of Lewis Walcott and Dornbush Real Estate, and consisting of them and Peggy Beers, Rhonda Parise, Nina McGee, Meryl Redisch of Tree Utah, Candace Wagner and Courtney Wolcott, supervising graphic design. They helped with putting together and finding sponsors for (click sponsors for more details) a most fantastic conference bag, for their cheerful help with registration, organizing a sumptuous and spectacular banquet, and assisting with transportation. Andrej and Elena Cherkaev, Ilarie Gontia, Dali Zhang, and Jingyi Zhu are thanked for creating a terrific barbeque. Our only disapointment was that mother nature was not more respectful of good food when she thunderstorms. Nelson Beebe is thanked for his skilled computer help with the registrations, book of abstracts and list of participants. Please note that the deadline for manuscripts has been extended to August 31st.

Please revisit this website when we have the conference photos! Also get ready for ETOPIM 7 which will be held in Sydney, Australia in July 2005.
Welcome to the website of the

Sixth International Conference
on the
Electrical Transport and Optical Properties
of Inhomogeneous Media

Major supporters: The National Science Foundation and the Army Research Office.
Endorsed by the American Physical Society (APS)
and being held
in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
and the Optical Society of America (OSA),
from July 15th to July 19th 2002

  at the Cliff Lodge at Snowbird, a mountain resort near Salt Lake City, Utah

The view down canyon at Snowbird

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