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Text Properties

Each character in a buffer or a string can have a text property list, much like the property list of a symbol. The properties belong to a particular character at a particular place, such as, the letter `T' at the beginning of this sentence. Each property has a name, which is usually a symbol, and an associated value, which can be any Lisp object--just as for properties of symbols.

You can use the property face to control the font and color of text. Several other property names have special meanings. You can create properties of any name and examine them later for your own purposes.

Copying text between strings and buffers preserves the properties along with the characters; this includes such diverse functions as substring, insert, and buffer-substring.

Since text properties are considered part of the buffer contents, changing properties in a buffer "modifies" the buffer, and you can also undo such changes.

Strings with text properties have a special printed representation which describes all the properties. This representation is also the read syntax for such a string. It looks like this:

#("characters" property-data...)

where property-data is zero or more elements in groups of three as follows:

beg end plist

The elements beg and end are integers, and together specify a portion of the string; plist is the property list for that portion.

Examining Text Properties

The simplest way to examine text properties is to ask for the value of a particular property of a particular character. For that, use get-text-property. Use text-properties-at to get the entire property list of a character.

(get-text-property pos prop object) returns the prop property of the character after pos in object (a buffer or string). The argument object is optional and defaults to the current buffer.

(text-properties-at pos object) returns the entire property list of the character after pos in the string or buffer object (which defaults to the current buffer).

Changing Text Properties

There are four primitives for changing properties of a specified range of text:

This function puts on specified properties, leaving other existing properties unaltered.
This function puts on a single specified property, leaving others unaltered.
This function removes specified properties, leaving other properties unaltered.
This function replaces the entire property list, leaving no vestige of the properties that that text used to have.

All these functions take four arguments: start, end, props, and object. The last argument is optional and defaults to the current buffer. The argument props has the form of a property list.

Property Search Functions

In typical use of text properties, most of the time several or many consecutive characters have the same value for a property. Rather than writing your programs to examine characters one by one, it is much faster to process chunks of text that have the same property value.

The functions next-property-change and previous-property-change scan forward or backward from position pos in object, looking for a change in any property between two characters scanned. They returns the position between those two characters, or nil if no change is found.

The functions next-single-property-change and previous-single-property-change are similar except that you specify a particular property and they look for changes in the value of that property only. The property is the second argument, and object is third.

Special Properties

If a character has a category property, we call it the category of the character. It should be a symbol. The properties of the symbol serve as defaults for the properties of the character.

You can use the property face to control the font and color of text.

You can specify a different keymap for a portion of the text by means of a local-map property. The property's value, for the character after point, replaces the buffer's local map.

If a character has the property read-only, then modifying that character is not allowed. Any command that would do so gets an error.

If a character has the property modification-hooks, then its value should be a list of functions; modifying that character calls all of those functions. Each function receives two arguments: the beginning and end of the part of the buffer being modified. Note that if a particular modification hook function appears on several characters being modified by a single primitive, you can't predict how many times the function will be called.

Insertion of text does not, strictly speaking, change any existing character, so there is a special rule for insertion. It compares the read-only properties of the two surrounding characters; if they are eq, then the insertion is not allowed. Assuming insertion is allowed, it then gets the modification-hooks properties of those characters and calls all the functions in each of them. (If a function appears on both characters, it may be called once or twice.)

The special properties point-entered and point-left record hook functions that report motion of point. Each time point moves, Emacs compares these two property values:

If these two values differ, each of them is called (if not nil) with two arguments: the old value of point, and the new one.

The same comparison is made for the characters before the old and new locations. The result may be to execute two point-left functions (which may be the same function) and/or two point-entered functions (which may be the same function). The point-left functions are always called before the point-entered functions.

A primitive function may examine characters at various positions without moving point to those positions. Only an actual change in the value of point runs these hook functions.

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