Exact relations for effective moduli of polycrystals. Part I Rank one plus a null-Lagrangian is an inherited property of two-dimensional compliance tensors under homogenization. by Yury Grabovsky JTB 120 3:20pm, Monday, January 27, 1997 Abstract Assume that the local compliance tensor of an elastic composite in two space dimensions is equal to a rank-one tensor plus a null-Lagrangian (there is only one symmetric one in 2-D). The main result is that that the effective compliance tensor has the same representation: rank-one plus the null-Lagrangian. This statement generalizes the well-known result of Hill that a composite of isotropic phases with a common shear modulus is necessarily elastically isotropic and shares the same shear modulus. It also generalizes the recent discovery that under a certain condition on the pure crystal moduli the shear modulus of an isotropic polycrystal is uniquely determined. The present paper sheds light on this effect by placing it in a more general framework and using some elliptic PDE theory rather than the translation method. Our results allow us to calculate the polycrystalline G-closures of the special class of crystals under consideration. This talk discusses the first part of a project on discovering exact relations on effective moduli of polycrystals. Order reprints via email to yuri@math.utah.edu.