Under-resolution, Adaptive Mesh Refinement, and Computing Singularities in Boussinesq Convection by Michael Minion JWB 335, 3:15pm Monday, February 26, 1996 Abstract There are many numerical methods for incompressible flow that allow the user to compute stable solutions of flows for which the smallest physical scales are not resolved. It is important to be able to recognize and if possible avoid any unphysical effects the under-resolution may cause. Numerical studies will be presented showing that a wide variety of numerical methods produce spurious vortices when under-resolving strong shear layers. Use of local grid refinement can remedy the problem of under-resolution, but the question of where and when to add resolution is not well understood. Examples showing how poorly implemented grid refinement can actually hurt calculations will be shown. These topics take on fundamental importance if one is attempting to extract information about a physical system from marginally resolved or under-resolved numerical computations. As an example, numerical experiments designed to address the open question of whether or not finite time singularities can occur in 2-D Boussinesq convection will be discussed. Requests for preprints and reprints: rmm@math.utah.edu, Attn: Michael Minion This source can be found at http://www.math.utah.edu/research/