Joint Applied Mathematics - Physics Seminar Rigidity in Random Networks by Michael F. Thorpe, Physics Dept., Michigan State INSCC 110, 3:30pm Monday, May 11th, 1998 Abstract The simple yet powerful ideas of percolation theory have found their way into many different areas of research. In this talk we show how RIGIDITY PERCOLATION can be studied at a similar level of sophistication, using a powerful new program THE PEBBLE GAME [D. J. Jacobs and M. F. Thorpe, Phys. Rev. E 53, 3682 (1996)] that uses an integer algorithm. This program can analyse the rigidity of two and three dimensional networks containing more than one million bars and joints. We find the total number of floppy modes, and find the critical behavior as the network goes from floppy to rigid as more bars are added. We discuss the relevance of this work to network glasses, and how it relates to experiments that involve mechanical properties like hardness and elasticity of covalent glassy networks such as Ge_xAs_ySe_{1-x-y} and dicuss recent experiments that suggest that the rigidity transition may be first order [Xingwei Feng, W. J.Bresser and P. Boolchand, Phys. Rev. Lett 78, 4422 (1997)]. We have found that rigidity nucleates most readily on small rings [smaller than six bonds] and that if such nucleation sites are supressed, the transition is more likely to be first order in the absence of nucleating rings. In addition a ring can only be nucleating if it has three connections or more to the network coming from it - so that fourfold rings in GeSe glasses, formed from edge sharing tetrahedra, are not effective as nucleation centers. Thus the nature of the rigidity transtion, as the composition of the glass is changed, can give us useful information about the ring structure and hence medium range order. This approach is also useful in macromolecules and proteins, where detailed information about the rigid domain structure can be obtained. This work is done jointly with Don. A. Jacobs. Requests for preprints and reprints to: This source can be found at