Optimal microstructures for two-component elastic composites in two space dimensions by Yury Grabovsky JWB 335 3:20pm, Monday, October 9, 1995 We model elastic composites by elliptic equations of linear elasticity with rapidly varying Hooke's law tensor: $$\nabla \cdot C(x/\eps) e(v^\eps) = f$$ where $$e(v) = \frac{1}{2} ( \nabla v + (\nabla v)^t ).$$ In this lecture we will consider two-component periodic composites, which means that the function C(y) takes just two values Co and Ct and it is assumed to be periodic. The homogenization theory provides a tool for describing the effective behavior of a composite by characterizing the limit of solutions to the elastic composite equation. This limit also solves an equation of linear elasticity but with a different Hooke's law tensor. This new tensor is called the effective Hooke's law of a composite medium. It depends on the elastic properties of the constituent materials Co and Ct, as well as the microgeometry --- the geometric arrangement of the two component materials. The problem of describing all effective tensors that can be obtained via the homogenization process from the given set of component materials is called the G-closure problem. Tensors lying on the boundary of the G-closure are called extremal. We will try to describe some interesting microgeometries corresponding to extremal effective Hooke's laws. The questions of finding all possible optimal geometries leads us to the theories of quasi-convexity and Young measures and beyond. Significant contributions to this circle of problems are due to several of the Department's faculty: A. Cherkaev, K. Golden and G. Milton. You can find references to their work in my reprints and preprints. Order reprints via email to yuri@math.utah.edu.