Let $L$ be a cyclic differential graded Lie algebra. By transfer theorem the cohomology $H(L)$ of $L$ has a cyclic $L_\infty$-algebra structure. We prove that there is a potential function $W: H^1(L)-->\C$ such that the moduli space associated to the deformation of $L$ is the critical locus of the differential $dW$. The Milnor number of the holomorphic function $W$ is defined to be the Milnor number of $L$. As an application, the Donaldson-Thomas differential graded Lie algebra is a cyclic differential graded Lie algebra of dimension 3. We prove that the associated $L_\infty$-algebra on the cohomology is still a differential graded Lie algebra. The pointed Donaldson-Thomas invariant is the Milnor number of this cyclic differential graded Lie algebra.