Backcountry Asian Cooking
— Chinese —
Hot & Sour Pork Fu
by Harvey Halpern

Dry Bag:

4 Sticks Dried Tofu crumbled
12 Black Mushrooms broken into quarters
1 tbl.Dehydrated Garlic Flakes
1 tbl. Dried Lily Bulbs
1 tbl. Tree Fungus

Wet Bag:

2 tsp. Fried Red Onion
2 tsp. Fried Garlic
2 tsp. Fried Shallots

Other Ingredients:

4 individual serving packets Hot & Sour Soup —
Doer Brand is best but hard to find.
1 tsp. Five Spice Mix —
can be purchased in any Asian Market or good Food Co-op, or you can make your own by mixing roughly equal amounts of Fennel, Cinnamon, Star Anise, and Black Pepper and mashing in a morter and pestle.
3 tbl. Sesame Oil
3 oz. of “Pork Fu,” dry shredded pork. —
This comes in plastic tubs of 4 and 5 ounces. At $1.50 it’s the cheapest and tastiest lightweight way to ingest animal protein. There are many different brands and taste varieties.
2 packages Ramen
2–3 oz. Soy Sauce


Follow the usual driections vis–à–vis rehydrating the bags.

Bring these ingredients in 3 cups of water to a boil, and add Pork Fu and Soup Packets. Add Ramens and then the 5 Spice Mix. When Ramen is done add Sesame Oil; I use a very small squeeze bottle. Then add Soy Sauce to taste.

© 2008 Harvey Halpern